Haw River Trail Becomes a State Trail
The local favorite joins 12 other distinguished trails across the state. The Haw River Trail is now an authorized state trail thanks to the perseverance of local advocates, nonprofit organizations, and North Carolina legislators Representative Stephen M. Ross, Senator Amy S. Galey, and Representative Dennis Riddell. “The Haw River State Trail is a lasting tribute […]
Conservation Funding is a Necessity
The NC Senate proposed budget shows that conservation funding is a necessity for the state of North Carolina. Investing in our land and water creates a healthier North Carolina for all. Click here to read the full report or click here to read the special provisions report. Highlights of this year’s proposed funding: Increases recurring […]
2023 House’s Budget Shows Conservation is Vital
The recently released proposed budget from the NC House shows that conservation is a priority for the state of North Carolina. Thank you to all of the House members for your strong support in protecting and stewarding our land through conservation trust funds and more. A few highlights: Increases recurring funding for NCLWF from $24.2 […]
2023 Governor’s Budget Highlights Strong Support for Conservation Trust Funds
Thank you to Governor Cooper for your strong support of the North Carolina Conservation Trust Funds in your 2023 annual budget. Highlights include: Increases North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF) and Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) recurring funds by $5.8M, bringing both funds up to $30M recurring Adds an additional $25M in nonrecurring […]
Our 2023 Legislative Agenda
North Carolinians love the outdoors. Visitation to NC State Parks increased to 22,800,000 in 2021 – 3,000,000 more than in 2020. Visitation to state forests, game lands, trails and local parks continues to increase. The Land for Tomorrow Coalition greatly appreciates the strong support of the General Assembly and Governor for our Conservation Trust Funds […]
Sen. Brent Jackson Recognized as Land and Water Champion
DURHAM – Sen. Brent Jackson has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition. “Sen. Jackson is a steadfast supporter of funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has been […]
Rep. Kyle Hall Recognized as Land and Water Champion
DURHAM – Rep. Kyle Hall has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition. “Rep. Hall is a steadfast supporter of public funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has […]
Prioritizing land and water conservation
Thank you to North Carolina’s governor and legislators for passing a budget that prioritizes land and water conservation. Funding of $48.4 million to the state’s conservation trust funds will benefit people and nature for generations. Our state’s conservation needs are not one-and-done. The Land for Tomorrow coalition thanks our state leadership for building on the […]
National Trails Day
June 4 is National Trails Day®! Thousands of hikers, bikers, rowers, horseback riders, trail clubs, federal and local agencies, land trusts, and businesses come together in partnership to advocate for, maintain, and clean up public lands and trails. Here are just a few of the amazing trails you can ramble on during National Trails Day […]